Tag: Rollo

  • Fun and Games

    Fun and Games

    After several million, okay, that’s a bit dramatic, but after quite a lot of toing and froing, trying to find an occupational therapist (OT) for Rollo, we finally landed on a lady who had space for us on a Tuesday morning. Rollo hit it off with Stefanie, from Simply Senseable, immediately. But let’s not get…

  • Wolfie Fangs

    Wolfie Fangs

    Yesterday Rollo had his appointment with a Maxillo-facial surgeon. Yup – I had to look up that word too – but all it means is “medical treatment relating to the mouth, jaw, face and neck,” which you might have gathered from the “facial” bit. Last time we visited Rollo’s neurosurgeon, he checked out his ankles—important…

  • Oupa Tjoppies

    Oupa Tjoppies

    Emma is not usually a great fan of meat, but when she was preggy, her hunger overcame her pickiness, and she consumed large quantities of whatever was plonked on her plate. But the one thing that she refused to eat was lamb chops. In fact, lamb of any kind is on the won’t eat list.…

  • Rollo, the TV Trollo

    Rollo, the TV Trollo

    When he was little, Rollo would lie in his cozy spot in my office, looking at pictures, and listening to kid’s songs on my cellphone. Sometimes we’d sit on the swinging bench in the front yard—he was so little he could fit snugly on my legs and would lie there looking at the trees and…

  • Kitty Syringes

    Kitty Syringes

    A visit to the neurologist in May confirmed what we’d suspected. It had been rather challenging to secure the appointment because these specialists are very much in demand. We were immensely grateful for the intervention of the pediatrician that had seen Rollo for weaseling us an appointment. We arrived on a Saturday morning, and all…

  • The Box

    The Box

    A few months after Rollo was born, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and stringent lockdown rules were enforced in South Africa. You could buy food and other essentials, but that was pretty much it. Because Emma was relatively new to motherhood, she’d get rather sleep-deprived and overwhelmed on occasion. I’d babysit for a few hours while…

  • Flighty Flings

    Flighty Flings

    Rollo has a high, arched palate and only got his first tooth at about fifteen months. This made feeding him solids a tad difficult. Although he liked to suck on biscuits for a little while, they would always get tossed after a few minutes. We’d tried easy things like fingers of toast and bits of…