Kitty Syringes
A visit to the neurologist in May confirmed what we’d suspected. It had been rather challenging to secure the appointment because these specialists are very much in demand. We were immensely grateful for the intervention of the pediatrician that had seen Rollo for weaseling us an appointment. We arrived on a Saturday morning, and all…
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The Box
A few months after Rollo was born, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and stringent lockdown rules were enforced in South Africa. You could buy food and other essentials, but that was pretty much it. Because Emma was relatively new to motherhood, she’d get rather sleep-deprived and overwhelmed on occasion. I’d babysit for a few hours while…
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Flighty Flings
Rollo has a high, arched palate and only got his first tooth at about fifteen months. This made feeding him solids a tad difficult. Although he liked to suck on biscuits for a little while, they would always get tossed after a few minutes. We’d tried easy things like fingers of toast and bits of…
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Uncle Vetboy
We all know that Luan (aka Vetboy) isn’t really the kid-friendly type. He’s never gushed over Rollo. The kid simply isn’t covered in enough fur. Nor was Rollo ever sick. Not a snotty nose, not a cough, no colds or flu, definitely none of the traditional childhood lurgies. Sure, he’d get a bit hot and…
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Top Tips
After damn near sixty years, I discovered a fabulously simple, time-saving thing. While barely recovering from COVID myself, I was busy looking after a house full of family members who were still in the throes of coughing, snorting and generally hanging on to life by a tenuous thread, or so they thought, anyway. I, too,…
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COVID is not for Sissies – #1
I was driving Leila to school early Thursday morning and she was very quiet. I patted her knee at the stop street and said, “Are you okay?” “No!” she replied, “my throat hurts and I’ve got a cough.” “Do you want to play hookie?” I asked, eyeing out the bike that was revving impatiently behind…
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